The Larsen Gallery has specialized in consigning fine art for sale for more than 30 years as well as host of the bi-annual Larsen Art Auctions each April and October. Our next auction will be held on Saturday, April 26th.
Click the ARTISTS tab to view our artists listing or hover over the ARTWORK tab and select a category to view available artworks.
We are actively seeking consignments for the gallery as well as for our annual Larsen Art Auctions. Submit artwork for consignment consideration by clicking the brown CONSIGN ARTWORK button up top, sending photos and artwork information to, or by visiting
" The Larsen Gallery's reputation and vast inventory have allowed us to acquire a wonderful art collection over the past 10 years." --- Private Collector
" The Larsen Gallery's professionalism in handling the artwork in my parents' estate ensured the artwork that was so important to our family found new homes and will continue to be appreciated." --- Trustee of Family Estate
The Larsen Gallery is continually seeking fine art for consignment for sale. There is no cost for us to review artwork for consignment. Simply complete the Artwork Submittal Form under the CONSIGN ARTWORK tab above or click the brown CONSIGN ARTWORK button at the top of the page to submit photos, dimensions, and information on the works.